
I'm a senior web developer specializing in frontend development, working as a freelance consultant for teams and clients of all sizes.

photo by Alex Jeske

Around 2001 I made my first website. I was 13/14 at the time and completely amazed, so I never completely stopped. 23 years later, with several backs and forths between frontend and backend included, I don't feel like stopping anytime soon. In fact, I love the web more than ever.

However most of that time was client work, and now I feel a strong urge to build something of my own. There are a few things I really want to make happen and I will capture the progress on this site, starting roughly end of year 2024.

Besides programming, I enjoy drawing, photography, a bit of music production, reading, cooking and so forth. Ask me a few weeks from now and I'm probably looking into something new. Or you can check what I'm doing now.